There is ample evidence that, although skills and tools are relevant in organizations to drive the use of business intelligence solutions and platforms, data will increasingly be the fuel and, in many cases, the oxygen of organizations for this purpose. . In this sense, Conjecto offers its customers a set of specialized services, collectively called Conjecto Data Services (CDS) that involve the delivery of data prepared, updated, and periodically enriched (from public data sources) to serve as a basis in the construction of analytical models.
These evidences (and together with them, the extraordinary value of the CDS, are corroborated from the following facts:
1. Data will increasingly be a differentiating factor (algorithms and tools tend to become more accessible);
2. External data (public and private) improve the assertiveness of the models;
3. The ability to process data and use it effectively is currently restricted in the market.
Based on the use of CDS, it is possible to answer questions in an easy, practical, and assertive way, such as:
1. What is the influence of changes in the labor market (employment balance) on the propensity to purchase a certain product or service? In what geographic region is this influence more (or less) accentuated?
2. Is there any correlation between the average salary of the formally employed population and the default of customers of a company that operates in different geographic areas of the country?
3. Which socio-economic indicators in a city have the greatest correlation (positive or negative) with the efficiency in selling an organization’s products and services?
4. Is there any correlation between the sentiment of people who post messages and information on social networks and the propensity to pay a debt?
5. What data referring to the consumption pattern of the population of Brazilian municipalities represent relevant variables for predictive analysis models applied to the areas of marketing and sales?
In this sense, the CDS is related to the subscription for access to data prepared and enriched from different public and private sources. The available data include: stock and employment variation, public administration profile of municipalities, demographic data of cities, car fleet, financial institutions, transfers from the Union to municipalities, post office, notaries, schools and universities, ENEM results, MHDI, flights in the BR, car sales announcement, beneficiaries of health plans, health equipment by municipality, electoral results, among others.
The diagrams below list some data that are part of the CDS and help answer questions such as those indicated above. In fact, the use of data and external sources is limited only by the creativity and curiosity of the data analyst and his knowledge of business processes.