Conjecto, through its executive director and data scientist, Renilton Soares de Oliveira, has given lectures at national and international events such as InfoBrasil and Feira do Conhecimento, which are open events with a broader audience and content. Likewise, lectures have also been held for more specific entities and audiences such as the Brazilian Association of Research Companies (ABEP), the Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives (IBEF-CE), Oracle OpenWorld, SAP Forum, Chamber of Store Directors (CDL Fortaleza), Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Estácio de Sá University Center, Regional Accounting Council (CRC-CE), among others.
Speaker Profile: Renilton Soares de Oliveira. Master in Computer Science from the University of Florida (USA). MBA from COPPEAD (UFRJ). Bachelor of Computer Science (UFC). For over 25 years of professional experience, he has worked as a consultant and manager in several companies where he worked in Brazil and abroad. He is currently executive director of Conjecto, a company specialized in business intelligence and corporate management solutions. Conjecto’s innovative work in clients such as IBOPE, Falconi, Grupo Fleury, Souza Cruz, TIM, KPMG, CRC among others, is internationally recognized. He has certifications and works carried out on the main analytical platforms in the market (Microsoft Cortana Intelligence, Trifacta, SAP Business Intelligence, IBM Watson Analytics). Speaker at local and national events promoted by entities such as IBEF, CDL, CRC, ABEP, and InfoBrasil.